The Truth About Always Being Your Friend’s Wingwoman

You’re getting ready for a girls night out. Music is blaring, makeup is everywhere and drinks are flowing when all of a sudden your phone lights up.

“Hey, what’s up?”

You knew the cute boy in your class that you were partners with last week would eventually text you, and seeing as it’s at 8 p.m. on a Friday, things look promising. A smirk comes on your face and, after waiting at least 10 minutes, you give a nonchalant text back.

“We should meet up tonight.”

After the liquid courage starts to kick in, you let him know where you are. He gets to the bar and it’s just him looking handsome as you remember. When he walks over, you introduce him to your roommate and, just like that, you’ve suddenly become a wingwoman. Welcome to the club.

Whether you’re in a relationship, single, or somewhere in between, no one can deny a night out every now and then. Even if it’s just for fun, there’s satisfaction in meeting someone new and buying each other a drink or two.

My roommates are the masters of owning the bar. They see someone and they’ll walk right over and hit it off instantly. I seem to be missing that gene. Thanks a lot, mom. I’m the one awkwardly letting my friends take over the conversation when the small-talk runs out and the awkward pauses start to sink in.

I’m not ashamed to admit that after four long years at college, I have lost my ability to draw a man in for myself. Be it that my mysterious vibe is lacking or that they can smell that I’m in a relationship from a mile away, my game has slowly declined.

At first it was mildly depressing to go out with the girls and be the one that has to buy all my own drinks, but, honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love holding conversations with people and being able to walk away without any mixed feelings or knowing that a stranger has my phone number.

There will be no awkward run-ins with people across campus, after-hour text messages or guilty feelings, and I’m perfectly okay with that. I have absolutely no problem sharing a moonlight walk home with some quality drunk food.

The title of wingwoman comes with so many positive traits that it’s basically a compliment in itself. Think about it, finding the love of your friend’s life could be all thanks to you. Or maybe just a one night stand, but, hey, you can’t have it all.

There’s no better way to end a night by seeing your friends happy and knowing that it was all because of you. So next time you find yourself next to your friend that you helped out, treat yourself to a shot for a job well done. There ain’t no shame in the wingwoman game.

Featured image via cottonbro on Pexels


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    The manufacturing process of this product mainly consists of three steps: pre-treatment, hot dip galvanizing and subsequent treatment. Firstly, the raw material steel plate is treated by cleaning and rust removal to ensure that the surface is clean and free of impurities. Then, the steel plate is immersed in molten zinc liquid, so that the zinc reacts chemically with the surface of the steel plate to form a solid zinc-iron alloy layer. Finally, after cooling, deactivation and other subsequent treatment, the surface of the product is smoother and more beautiful, while enhancing the corrosion resistance of the zinc layer. In addition, the product has excellent anti-corrosion properties. The zinc layer on the surface can effectively prevent the intrusion of oxygen and moisture, thereby slowing down the corrosion rate of steel. Then, the zinc layer also has electro chemical protection, when the zinc layer is corroded, can sacrifice itself to protect the steel substrate from corrosion. Therefore, galvanized steel in harsh environments can still maintain a good service life. It has a smooth surface, uniform colour and good aesthetics. After deactivation treatment, a dense oxide film can be formed on the product surface, which makes the zinc layer more stable and durable. In addition, according to different needs and processes, galvanized steel can also present different colors and texture effects to meet the aesthetic requirements of different occasions.
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