Why A Cat Person Is The Best Kind Of Person

I hated cats for the majority of my 20 years. I love dogs; they’re so happy and playful and love to just be in your company because life is so precious to them, and so are you. Cats? They only want your love on their terms. But after having a cat of my own,

I. F*cking. Love it.

After adopting my beautiful feline, I learned a thing or two about being a cat person, and I never thought I’d live to see the day that I make a list explaining why being a cat person is the way to go.

1. Your cat embodies your core values.

You hate people? Hey, guess what, so does your cat! No more sitting in a puddle of societal loathing when you can curl up with your cat for about 30 seconds until he/she decides they’re not desiring your company any longer.

2. They’re so low maintenance.

Cats literally don’t need you. That’s what makes them so badass. They just want you to feed them and give them a place to relieve themselves, and then they’re totally self-sufficient. Sure, they like your attention, but that’s pretty limited considering when they’ve had enough of your pampering they claw your arm off until you get the hint to leave them alone.

3. When they’re being cute, they’re REALLY cute.

Dogs are always cute. I guess that cuteness just becomes expected on a day-to-day basis. But cats rarely show you their affection so when they do, it’s like a hairy Christmas! You appreciate their love, and you feel accomplished when your feline friend finally shows you a little TLC.

4. Most people hate them, so it’s your duty to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I know this is a shocker, but most people don’t like when their pets go through their underwear drawer and throw their panties all over their bedroom so they’re hanging from your blinds (and I speak from experience here). If you’re patient, it’s pretty much an obligation to take in this little demon and give it a loving home. Plus, they’ll bring you a few presents for doing them such a kind service (and by present I mean dead mice on your bedroom floor – also speaking from experience).

5. When a cat loves you, he/she will love you with everything in them.

A cat’s love is the most rewarding because, contrary to popular belief, they’re affectionate and need your love, too. They’ll piss you off, they’ll make you wonder why you ever thought owning a cat was a good idea, but when they love you, you know it’s totally worth it and that he/she is your best friend in the world. You had to earn their love and respect, just like anyone else would have to earn yours.

I love cuddling with my cat, coming home to a welcoming meow and a sandpaper tongue, and knowing that my little ball of energy has a warm, loving home and lots of attention. My cat is pretty much my child, and every cat lover can tell you the same thing. There’s a reason why so many women choose cats over men.

Featured image via Adam Kuylenstierna on Unsplash


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