7 Things You’re Doing Before Bed That Are Ruining Your Sleep

I hate when I go to bed early to get my full eight hours of sleep but still wake up feeling exhausted.

Our daily habits can affect how tired we feel in the morning, which brings our energy levels down when we rise. Of course, getting a long sleep plays a huge role in making you feel well-rested, but you also have to pay attention to what you’re doing throughout the day.

If you keep waking up exhausted, it’s time to make some changes to your daily habits. After all, we can’t rely on coffee forever, right? That’s why here are 7 things you may be doing that are harming your sleep… and how you can fix them.

You Ate a Big Meal Before Bed

If you are a late eater, make sure you eat something that is lighter and easier to digest. When you eat a big meal, your body has to convert it to energy to digest it, which can harm your sleep cycle. It’s also not good to go to bed starving. So, if you’re hungry, have a bowl of soup or a piece of toast.

Your Pajamas Are Uncomfortable

If you’re waking up in the middle of the night because you’re too hot, it may be time to invest in better pajamas. Stay away from fabrics like polyester and rayon because they trap heat, making you wake up sweaty. Instead, look for cotton and linen fabrics; they are a lot more breathable!

You’re Watching Netflix Before Bed

It’s time to put the computer away and pick another bedtime activity that doesn’t involve electronics. Staring at a TV or phone screen keeps you awake by interrupting your level of melatonin.

This hormone is responsible for controlling our sleep cycles. Basically, if it’s all out of whack, you won’t wake up feeling well-rested.

Stop Drinking Caffeine in The Afternoon

If you cut yourself off by 2 PM, your body will be thanking you. Caffeine can harm both your sleep quality and quantity if it’s still in your system by bedtime.

You’re Drinking Before Bed

I know a glass of wine at night can relax you, but it does the opposite when it comes to your sleep cycle. Drinking before going to bed makes you toss and turn at night. You’ll be restless, which will make you wake up tired. To avoid this, stop drinking alcohol a few hours before you go to sleep.

Your Bedtime is Inconsistent

If you’re going to bed at a different time each night, that could be the reason why you’re waking up exhausted. You should be going to sleep at the same time every day. This will teach your body when it should be tired, which will help promote more consistent sleep.

You’re Spending Too Much Time in Bed

Think of your bedroom as a place to only sleep and have sex. If you train your brain to think this way, you’ll feel more relaxed while climbing into bed and have a more restful sleep. Don’t surf the web, work or watch TV in your bedroom. If you choose to make your room a place for rest, your mind will feel ready to fall asleep once your head hits the pillow.

Feeling sleepy during the day is awful! If you practice all these tips and still feel exhausted, it’s time to see your doctor. There are actual disorders, like sleep apnea, that may be harming you from feeling well-rested. Your doctor can steer you in the right direction!

If you have any advice on how to feel well-rested when you wake up, share in the comments below! I would love to know how you approach sleep!

Photo by Andreea Chidu on Unsplash


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