5 Surprising, Alternative Treatments For Migraines

Woman with Migraine

If you suffer from migraine headaches, you know how painful and inconvenient they can be. Finding different strategies for relieving and preventing discomfort is key. 

Whether traditional treatments are not working for you or you want to try something new, there are alternative solutions that may be able to help. We are breaking down five different migraine treatments that may surprise you.

1. Daith Piercings

A daith piercing refers to putting an earring through the fold of cartilage above your ear canal that connects your inner ear. Using the same principles and location as acupuncture, piercing this fold is thought to offer some relief for those who suffer from migraines. 

While there is no scientific evidence to confirm or deny the effectiveness of a daith piercing for treating severe headaches, many people believe that having constant compression from the earring through this pressure point may help lessen pain symptoms. 

2. Botox Injections

Botox is an unexpected but effective treatment for migraines. The drug uses neurotoxins that stop pain receptors from transmitting messages to the brain and has FDA approval for chronic migraine relief. 

You can get Botox injections through a licensed medical professional. To calm migraine symptoms, they will try to narrow in on your nerve endings in the following locations:

  • Forehead
  • Shoulders
  • Temples
  • Upper neck
  • Back of your head 

In addition to reducing migraine severity, there are many reasons why Botox is popular, including relaxing wrinkles and stopping excessive sweating. 

3. Yoga and Meditation Practices

Stress and anxiety are major culprits for kickstarting migraines. Practicing mindfulness through yoga and meditation can help you curb some of the discomfort you are experiencing. 

Meditation can help you calm your mind and body, combatting high stress levels and migraine-causing tension headaches. Yoga helps you stretch and relax your body through slow, controlled movements. Doing both practices regularly can help you lower pain sensitivity and manage your emotions better.

4. Sleep Schedule

If you’re trying to alleviate migraine headaches, improving your sleep is an excellent place to start. Getting too much or too little sleep can be a huge trigger for migraine headaches. 

Consider adhering to a sleep schedule that encourages you to wind down and wake up at the same time daily. If you have trouble sticking to your schedule, you may want to create morning and night routines to support your sleep-wake cycle. 

To start regulating your sleep-wake cycle, try to get outdoors and in the sunlight as soon as possible after waking up. At night, take an hour or so to wind down before bed. Consider turning off blue light devices and keeping your lights dim to boost natural melatonin production. 

5. Massages

Different types of massages can ease migraine pain, including:

  • Trigger point: This massage style focuses on the trigger points found around the head and neck.
  • Thai: Thai massages are more aggressive and active than traditional massages. They involve applying pressure strategically around the body to ease chronic tension. 
  • Reflexology: This type of massage focuses on the trigger points on your hands and feet to inspire greater relaxation and less pain. 

Luckily, you don’t have to book an expensive massage appointment to enjoy migraine relief. You can use self-massage techniques to soothe your muscles and release tension at home. A few minutes is all you need to keep your head, neck and shoulders relaxed. 

Explore New Techniques for Migraine Relief

These alternative treatments may work on their own or in conjunction with other strategies for finding migraine relief, such as prescription medication or biofeedback equipment.

Feature Image by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels


  1. Studies have shown that TMD may increase the frequence and intensity of migraines. We have found BOTOX to be very effective in treating patients at our practice and is avoids the side effects of strong medication.


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