Stop Following Society’s Definition Of Success

What is your definition of success? Do you envision yourself having a lot of money in your bank account? Or traveling around the world? 

Maybe you see success as being a change in your current lifestyle. Or do you envision success as a means to achieve your goals? 

Whenever we think of success, we tend to think of the classic stereotypical image: a famous person well-known by their peers. The person perhaps has a lot of money; enough to start their own business or travel around the world. And the person also has some influence on others as well: They may be perceived as the trendsetter or influencer.

Instagram and social media heavily glamorize and promote this ideal image as well. Whenever we scroll through our feed, we always see one person posting about their travels, relationships, or career promotions. 

Then, we start to compartmentalize our emotions and feelings and ask ourselves, why am I not successful? 

However, the truth is that your current status, talents, or skills don’t define success. Success stems from your values and how much they matter to you. 

All of us grow up in different environments and experience different situations. These life experiences shape our characteristics and values. For example, when we grow up with many friends and family, we may value collaboration, honesty, and teamwork. But if we grow up without the support, we may find value in completing our tasks and starting a new project on our own. 

Our own experiences shape our values. And because of this, we are all meant for different destinations and outcomes in life. Therefore, there’s no point in chasing one definition of success. We all are intended to contribute to the world in different ways. 

Not all of us will become celebrities or influencers who fly on private jets.

But perhaps some of us may become the following academics who contribute to a growing amount of scientific research. Or maybe some of us may become the next CEO who turns a company from bankruptcy to profit. 

Therefore, you’ll notice that at some point in life, as long as you stick to your actual values, there will be someone out there who values your skills deeply. This will allow you to contribute to the betterment of the world and perhaps work towards more significant societal goals. 

So, success is a mindset that comes within you. It’s about unlocking what you think belongs to you and finding your journey within the world. And as long as you follow your values, you’ll build your definition of success.

Featured image via Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels



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