Why It’s So Important To Actually Look At Food Labels

I used to not care about looking at food labels. At the time, I didn’t understand why I needed to. But that all changed a few years ago when a visit to my doctor revealed that my blood pressure was really high. 

Since then, I’ve made drastic changes to my diet, including cutting out salt and minimizing my sodium intake. I also became a vegetarian and have maintained this lifestyle for five years. This journey has made me realize the critical importance of checking food labels to ensure my diet aligns with my health goals and dietary preferences. 

Food labels are crucial for several reasons.

These labels help you understand what you put in your body, which is essential for maintaining good health. Here’s why you should always read food labels before making a purchase:

1. Health Management 

Food labels provide vital information for those with health concerns, such people with as high blood pressure, diabetes, or allergies. Reading food labels can  can help manage these conditions effectively.

2. Dietary Preferences 

Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or on any other diet, labels show you what’s in the product, which helps ensure what you consume meets your specific needs.

3. Nutritional Awareness 

Knowing the calorie count, sugar content, carbohydrate levels, and serving sizes of food items can help you make more informed choices that align with your health goals.


When examining food labels, you need to look beyond just the ingredients you need to avoid. Here are some key components to pay attention to:

1. Ingredients List 

Look for ingredients with names you can pronounce and recognize. If you don’t know what something is or can’t pronounce it, consider whether it’s something you want to consume.

2. Serving Size 

Pay attention to the serving size and the number of servings in the package. This can significantly impact the nutritional information you’re looking at.

3. Calories 

Keep track of the calorie content, especially if you’re managing your weight or have specific caloric needs.

4. Sugar and Carbs 

Be mindful of a product’s sugar and carbohydrate content, especially if you monitor your blood sugar levels or follow a low-carb diet.

5. Sodium 

Sodium content is a critical factor for those watching their blood pressure. Always check the amount of sodium in each serving of a product.

Food labels are important pillars of health. 

For decades,  families didn’t look at food labels, often opting for convenience over health considerations. Today, people are far more health-conscious and have more  diverse dietary needs and restrictions. We all deserve to know what we eat and put into our bodies. By taking the time to read food labels, we can make healthier choices and hold food companies accountable for the quality of their products.

Reading food labels sets an example for future generations.

Understanding what we eat is not just about our health; it’s about setting an example for future generations. By teaching our children to read and understand food labels, we empower them to make healthier choices and demand better from food producers. And this shift in mindset can lead to a healthier society.

Reading food labels might seem like a hassle, but it’s an important step towards better health. By knowing what’s in our food, we can make informed decisions that support our well-being. We know that it’s time to prioritize our health and take control of what we put into our bodies. 

Remember, it matters—now and always.

Take the extra moment to read the label. Your body will thank you for it.

Featured image via Viki Mohamad on Unsplash



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