From Sleep To Air Quality: 5 Health Benefits Of Indoor Plants

Could your home or office decor do more? Absolutely, especially if those decorations consist of indoor plants. The practicality of surrounding yourself with growing things offers numerous wellness perks that you can easily incorporate into your daily life. 

Why should you consider adding a few new botanical friends to your living space? Here are five practical health benefits of indoor plants that will inspire you to green your thumb and your home or office. 

1. Improves Indoor Air Quality 

You might have seen recent articles debunking the idea that indoor plants improve air quality. However, those refuting the old NASA study don’t deny that plants absorb carbon dioxide and toxins like formaldehyde. They only draw attention to how many of them you’d need to purify an enclosed space thoroughly. 

Let’s debunk the myth that plants do nothing for air quality. It’s like saying you shouldn’t bother recycling aluminum cans just because some people toss them in the garbage. Even small improvements matter; collectively, they can make a big difference. A single snake plant might not help you breathe easier, but compare the air quality of a nursery to that of a casino. Which one does your nose prefer? 

That said, it’s important to be aware that people with allergies can find that the pollen from indoor plants aggravates their sinuses. Luckily, opting for hypoallergenic indoor plants combats much of the problem, with regular cleaning tackling the rest. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your indoor plant choices.

2. Helps You Get Your Zzzs

Do you toss and turn after sundown? Millions of Americans struggle with insomnia, but the right indoor greenery can help you get your sleep. For example, lavender induces slumber whether you use it for aromatherapy or drink it in tea form.

Pay attention to lighting requirements when selecting an indoor plant for your bedroom, as different plants have varying light preferences. Some species of plants that grow well in low light include: 

  • Ferns
  • Ivies
  • Monstera plants
  • Spider plants
  • Snake plants
  • Philodendrons 

Adding plants to your bedroom could ease some of the mental health symptoms that make sleep elusive. Plants provide psychological benefits such as increased comfort and positive emotions. The act of caring for plants can also be a form of mindfulness, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, a 2021 study found that those who had indoor plants during the COVID-19 pandemic had reduced levels of depression and anxiety, further highlighting the mental health benefits of indoor plants. 

3. Improves Your Skin

People who testify to the healing power of aloe know how indoor plants can improve your skin. A 2024 study showed that aloe vera gel outperformed several other topical ointments in healing burns, which can cause scarring.

Ingesting more plants — perhaps by growing some tomatoes and beans in containers in your apartment — also benefits skin health. Whole-food, plant-based diets increase your antioxidant consumption, which protects your skin against damaging free radicals. Homegrown produce is often more nutritious than store-bought, as it’s typically harvested at peak ripeness and consumed shortly after, preserving its nutritional value. If you think food plants can’t beautify your home, report back after witnessing sweet potatoes in bloom. 

4. Ease Stress 

Multiple studies testify to the power of plants and green spaces to reduce stress. Many Americans have chronic stress, which increases their disease risk, including that of anxiety and depression. 

This healing power can be a lifeline for urban dwellers with limited access to safe outdoor green spaces. Imagine transforming your patio into a personal oasis, planting bamboo for privacy, adorning it with your favorite plant species, and illuminating it with solar lights for evening use. This space can become your sanctuary, a place for meditation, mental health retreats, practicing yoga, or simply sitting and listening to the sounds of the city, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of urban hustle. 

5. Provides Nutrition 

If buying produce at the grocery store makes you wince because of all the pesticides, take matters into your own hands. Even those with only containers and no garden space can meet some of their needs by growing their favorite fruits and veggies at home. You get all the above benefits, plus a nearly free meal in the bargain.

Some of the food plants that grow best indoors in containers include:  

  • Carrots 
  • Green onions
  • Various herbs
  • Peppers — hot and bell
  • Salad greens 
  • Potatoes
  • Radishes
  • Tomatoes

Redecorating can benefit your health by including plenty of indoor plants in your redesign. These green wonders do everything from improving your sleep to feeding you to helping you breathe more freely. 

Start small, adding to your collection one plant at a time. It won’t take long before your flourishing indoor jungle makes you feel better each time you come home.

Featured image via Sanni Sahil on Unsplash


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