You’ll Always Be With Me, No Matter What

I wake up in the morning and leave my apartment. I’m traversing the streets by myself, sipping on my iced coffee and trying to get a sense of the hustle and bustle around me. I see cars honking at each other and streetcars stopping as passengers exit and enter. Although I’m by myself, I feel your energy beside me. 

I don’t see you often, perhaps only at certain hours of the day. Still, I know you’ll always be there for me. 

Remember the time when I flew to China for over two weeks? Even when you weren’t there physically, I knew you were there with me emotionally, helping me throughout the trip and staying awake during those gruesome layovers. And even whenever I decided to travel alone for a few days, I still felt you there. It’s as if you have never left – a shadow trailing along. 

Perhaps, you were meant to be beside me. 

Let me tell you that there were times when I wanted to leave. I just wanted to be on my own, explore my world, and live my life. I didn’t want anyone talking me out of my goals and aspirations. But during these moments, we had our disagreements and differences in perspectives. It may have brought out the worst of us as we have drifted apart.

But, at the end of it all, I always wish you were here with me. 

On the nights when you’re gone, I always think about you and the best moments I have spent with you. I reminisce about the fun we’ve had together and the memories we have created. 

But although you’re gone, I want you to know you’ll always be with me. 

We’ll go through the toughest and happiest moments together. If you have any issues or problems, I will gladly help and support you. And if you have any further successes, I will be your cheerleader, encouraging and motivating you to continue. 

Whatever you’re going through, I will be able to sense it and see how I can support you. And regardless if it doesn’t seem like I am there for you, I want you to know that we are unbreakable as a team. 

I’m sure we will experience the greatest joys in life soon, whether more trips, activities, or amusement. We’ll have the best laughs at the randomest times, especially when we’re sitting together and sharing jokes. 

I can’t believe we are still one despite the setbacks we experienced. 

But that’s what makes us stronger. And we’ll tackle this world – hand in hand – together.

Photo by Raymond Petrik on Unsplash



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