Here’s What Actually Caused My Under Eye Wrinkles

I’ve always been conscious of my appearance, mainly as I’ve gotten older. Under-eye wrinkles crept up on me faster than I expected, and it wasn’t long before I found myself wondering what was causing them and what I could do to smooth them out. Here’s what I discovered about the culprits behind these wrinkles and the solutions that worked for me. 

It’s Natural

Ageing is an inevitable part of life and a primary cause of wrinkles under the eyes. As I aged, I noticed that my skin began to lose its elasticity and firmness because of less collagen and elastin—which keep our skin smooth and resilient and decrease over time. It’s a natural process, but understanding it helped me understand these changes. 

Consulting my dermatologist and general physician, I started taking collagen supplements. I added foods to my diet that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and refreshments. 

Sun Rays Are Another Culprit

Spending much time outdoors without thinking much about sun protection was a real-time mistake. It turns out that ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can significantly accelerate the skin’s ageing process. The sun’s rays break down collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles, especially in the delicate skin under the eyes. 

Wearing sunscreen and sunglasses has become my daily routine to protect this sensitive area.

Too Many Expressions

I never realised how much my facial expressions could contribute to wrinkles until I looked into it. Some online research, obviously from authentic journals, told me that smiling, squinting, and even frowning cause the skin to crease. Over time, these repeated movements form permanent lines. 

While I’m not about to stop smiling, being aware of my facial expressions has made me more mindful of squinting, especially in bright light.

I Was Dehydrated

Drinking enough water has always been challenging, but dehydration can make the skin more prone to wrinkles. When my skin is dry, it loses its plumpness and elasticity, making wrinkles more noticeable. To get rid of eye bags and these wrinkles, I’ve consciously tried to drink more water and keep my skin hydrated with moisturisers.

Sleeping Habits Matter, My Pals.

I’ve had my fair share of late nights and restless sleep, which I now know can affect my skin. Lack of sleep doesn’t give the skin enough time to repair itself, leading to premature ageing. The area under my eyes is usually the first to show signs of fatigue and stress. Prioritising good sleep hygiene has helped me reduce the appearance of under-eye wrinkles. 

Moreover, I removed all the distractions from my bedroom and avoided taking electronics to the bed. It’s a fantastic practice that you should try, too. And never use your phone in a dark room. 

Fixing My Diet & Lifestyle 

My diet and lifestyle have affected the condition of my skin. Consuming many processed foods, sugar, and lots of caffeine impacted my skin’s health. I’ve started incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats into my diet to nourish my skin from within. 

Additionally, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption has made a noticeable difference. There is no alternative to physical activity: swimming, running, and jogging let me stay young from inside and out. 

It’s In My Genes

Finally, genetics plays a part in how my skin ages. Looking at my family, I can see patterns of where I might develop wrinkles. While I can’t change my genetics, knowing my predispositions has motivated me to take better care of my skin.

I Learned My Way Out!

Understanding what was causing these wrinkles under my eyes was the first step, and I took action for the better. Lifestyle changes, like staying hydrated, using sunscreen, and fixing my sleep schedule, have helped me reduce wrinkles and boost my health outcomes. 

Moreover, I practised makeup hacks, used the best under eye corrector to deal with some darkness, highlighted my peak facial points, and lifted my confidence. It wasn’t overnight, but I found my way and incorporated them into my daily life. Here I am, happiest and feeling younger than ever. 

Featured image via No Revisions on Unsplash



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