Unmasking Deceit Through Silence: The Weight Of Your Words

We often encounter people who leave a lasting impact on our lives, whether positive or negative. Their actions and words can shape our experiences and teach us profound lessons. This poem delves into the complexities of relationships and the strength of silence that arises when faced with manipulation and hurt.

I should have known you were manipulative when you tried to buy my love.  

I should have known when someone else walked into the room, your attention would go to them.

A narcissist. A crook. Someone who’s just plain mean.  

You brag about how kind you are to people’s faces,  

But I know how truly mean you are behind closed doors.  

I now see a side of you that I never thought would be seen.  

And it’s even more apparent after what you did to me.  

But silence speaks volumes in ways I didn’t know.  

Out of this and everything in between.  

All I wanted was an apology or an “I’ll try better.”  

But instead, you made me the problem, and my feelings didn’t matter.  

You strive to be everyone’s favorite — you want to be the star of the show.  

Focused on being the center of attention, no matter who you hurt or what you sow.  

This hurt isn’t recent; it’s built up over the years.  

A lifetime of being left in the dust, drowning in silent tears.  

You’d never dare to act this way with anyone else.  

You’re only bold when you know you can’t be challenged or unmasked.  

Your cruelty’s reserved for those who you think won’t fight back,  

I hope you know the damage you caused and the words you can’t take back.  

Even if you didn’t put your hands on my face, it felt like a fast, swift slap.  

So go ahead and tell your story, do whatever you want at the end of the day. 

But just remember I’m the only one who had to endure the cruel words you chose to say.  

There’s now a hole in my heart that I’m not sure will ever disappear.  

All I can say is you should be ashamed.  

Silence can become a powerful voice through the challenges and the pain, speaking volumes without uttering a single word. In silence, we find resilience and clarity, allowing us to rise above the hurt and stand strong in our truth.

Featured image via Maria Orlova on Pexels


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