You Have To Fall Before Heading To Wonderland

On New Year’s Eve of 2023, I sat under my kitchen table with a container of 12 cut grapes. It was an old wives’ tale that I saw on TikTok to help bring luck into the New Year. I had to make 12 wishes with an intention behind them and see how they came true throughout the year. 

Before the end of 2023, I was determined that 2024 would be my year. I knew that it was going to be one to remember.  

As we approached 2024, what started as a positive year slowly came to a halt. One thing after another hit within months of each other–family, work, and general life trauma. As it continued, I felt like everything I had done was sending me five steps back.

What opened my eyes was a quote I recently saw: “Alice had to fall to get to Wonderland”. Now, everything makes so much more sense.

Think about it: For Alice to get to Wonderland, she had to fall down the rabbit hole to travel to the magical place. 

And that’s kind of like life, isn’t it? Sometimes, we have to go through shit to get to the magical place we have inside our brains.

I’ve found that to be true for me; while this year has had many positives, it’s also had many negatives. This year, I’ve experienced things and issues I never thought I’d encounter.

I’ve been backstabbed, called mean names, and have had people do unthinkable things to me– people I never thought would treat me this way.

But when the positive moments kick in, when I see the wishes that I made come true, that’s when things change. I realize that. Maybe, I’m just on my journey of falling into Wonderland. 

Maybe I have to get through all this shitty stuff to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And maybe all this crap and everything else that I’m dealing with will make way for the greatness that will arrive for me shortly. 

Maybe I’m clearing out the negativity. Now, I’ve started working on myself and becoming the person who gets things done–things that I said I would get on that list back in December. 

And maybe, I just have to breathe. Perhaps I just need to let things happen. 

I still do not doubt that 2024 will be an incredible year and that great things will come out of it. Right now, I just have to finish falling first.

Featured image via Lucas Allmann on Pexels


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