Silence Speaks Way More Than You Think

For most of my life, I’ve kept to myself. I’m not much of a talker and prefer silence; I observe and watch the environment around me. Because of this, I’ve noticed things about people others may not pick up on immediately.

For example, I can tell if someone likes or dislikes someone. I can tell when someone has hit a nerve. And I sit there and chuckle when I see someone put their foot in their mouth because they didn’t think before they spoke. 

Staying to myself and choosing silence also allows me to see through people. 

I used to think something was wrong with me because I was quiet and everyone else was so “loud.” But I’ve learned it has brought me so much peace over the years.

By staying quiet, I stay out of drama. I can also pick better friends and assess those around me more clearly. This has allowed me to see people’s intentions more easily; I know who to associate with and who not to. 

Another thing I noticed was that the people who want to be liked are the loudest in the room. They strive for attention. It’s almost as if they need it to survive. 

In most cases, these are the people you should stay away from.

They tend to be loud and powerful but can also put their feet in their mouth. They don’t know how not to do that. This kind of people speak without thinking. And while they think they’ve said something powerful to you, they just proved that they’re not in tune with reality and only worry about themselves.

I used to get mad. I tried to speak up for myself before. But I learned it can be like speaking to a wall. The other person doesn’t retain anything you say; it just bounces back to you because they’re only concerned about their feelings. 

Instead, I’ve learned that fighting back and making a scene (which is what they want to begin with) is not the way to go. You should let them sit there and act like a fool. Let them see past what they did wrong. Allow them to try and do what they think will make it better.

And you know what you do? Sit there in silence.

Remember the loudest people strive for attention because they need it. When you choose to create the peace you desire, you force them to sit there with their words. 

Silence makes people uncomfortable. You’re making them reevaluate their decisions and choices. And they’ll either keep their mouth shut or put their foot in their mouth again. 

Either you won’t have to deal with them again or you can watch them make a fool of themselves again. It’s a win-win situation either way.

Featured image via Savanna Goldring on Pexels


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