To Anyone Struggling Right Now, I’m Sorry


To anyone struggling right now, I’m sorry.

I am sorry for the people who face prejudice because of the way they look. The person afraid to go outside because they fear that people are staring and making fun of them. The person who refuses to look at themselves in the mirror because they can’t bear their reflection. 

To the person who can’t live their full truth, I’m sorry.

I feel for the person who knows who they are but cannot fully accept themselves because society doesn’t accept them. The person who denies what they’re feeling about themselves and their identity because they’ve been taught that it’s shameful, even amoral. The person who’s told that they’re just going through a phase and will get over it. 

If you’re struggling with finances right now, I’m sorry. Money problems are nothing new and have only exacerbated since the pandemic started. The person who’s laid off right now and struggling to find a job, the person who keeps getting their resumes rejected. I feel for the person who is offered interviews but then turned down from the job offer. The person who’s told they don’t have enough education or experience for the job.

To anyone struggling with mental illness, I’m sorry. The person whose brain tells them they’re not good enough for others, or even themselves, despite them trying so hard to survive and just live. Or the person who finds it hard to get out of bed in the morning because that means another day is upon them, and that means more suffering. The person who wonders if there’s even a point of life, of moving on and going on.

Finally, I am sorry for all the other people struggling right now.

People whose problems I don’t know about or have never heard of myself. People who are barely getting by, day by day. The people who are trying to live can’t because of the pain in their lives. If you are suffering, I am so sorry you are experiencing this pain right now. 

I’m sorry for all the people who are struggling right now. I never want to pity anyone, and I know my worries won’t fix your problems or make the pain go away. More than anything, I wish I could take away all your pain. But I can’t, and the only thing I can offer you is my empathy and sympathy. But I hope you know that I am sorry you are suffering. I hope you know I am thinking of you. I hope you know that I hope things turn around for you for the better. Most of all, I hope you know that there is someone out there who cares about you.

Photo by mokhalad musavi on Unsplash


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