You’re Not Perfect: An Open Letter To A Narcissist

I’m so sick of you and your constant obsession with yourself. Everything you do revolves around making sure people see you, think about you, and praise you as perfect. You act like you’re the center of everyone’s world when, in reality, no one cares as much as you think they do. But you only care about yourself, not your impact on others — just how others react to you.

Honestly? It makes me sick.

You walk around with this inflated greatness of self-worth, like you’re perfect like you could do no wrong. And I know exactly why you think that: you’ve been spoon-fed that lie your whole life. People have told you how amazing you have been for so long that you believe it. 

But let me tell you something you haven’t heard: you’re not perfect. In fact, you’re not even close. 

No, you’re one of the most flawed people I’ve ever met. You love to talk about all the “nice” things you do as if that makes you some kind of saint. But genuinely kind people don’t brag about their kindness – they don’t need to. They don’t flaunt kindness to get attention but simply who they are. You, though? You do it so people will clap for you, so they’ll tell you how wonderful and selfless you are. Above all, you need the spotlight on you – God forbid the world doesn’t revolve around you for five minutes. 

It’s infuriating how no one else seems to look through your act. 

You walk into a room, smile that fake smile, act all sweet and innocent, and people eat it up. But the second they turn their backs, you rip them apart. You call them weird and mock them. Don’t try to deny it—I’ve been in the room when you did it. So, I can only imagine the trash you’ve talked about me when I’m not around. 

And you know the reason you do all this? It’s because you’re a narcissist. You’re so obsessed with making people adore you that you’d lie to their faces just to keep up this fake, perfect image. 

It’s pathetic.

You want so badly to be liked by everyone that you’ll do whatever you can to stay on top. 

You lie to their faces just to stay in their good graces; the thought of someone not liking you absolutely terrifies you. Well, newsflash: not everyone will like you. And that’s okay. It’s something we all have to accept at some point. 

But I don’t think you can, not because you need constant validation. I know people who don’t like me, and you know what I do about it? Absolutely nothing. I don’t need their approval or bend backward to make them like me. No, I just don’t waste my time on people who don’t get me. 

But you? You’ll bend yourself into knots and become whoever you think people want you to be. And you do this all because you can’t handle someone disliking you. It’s pathetic, really.

The truth is, you’re insecure. You need everyone’s approval because, without it, you’d have to face this fact: you don’t know who you are. Your whole life is an act. You’ve been doing it for so long, and I doubt you know what’s real and what’s fake anymore. Through this performance, you’ve built an image, this perfect version of yourself, and now you’ve trapped yourself in it. You can’t let your guard down; if people saw the real you—the messy, flawed, insecure version of you—they might not like what they see. 

And you can’t handle that.

It’s exhausting being around someone like you. Every conversation has to be about you. Every little thing has to come back to your life. It’s all about your problems, your achievements, you. You can’t let anyone else have the spotlight for even a second before you pull it back onto yourself. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve tried to open up to you, only for you to cut me off and make it about you again. It’s selfish, and I’m tired of it. 

Here’s the truth: you’re not the person you think you are and certainly not the person you make everyone else think you are. You know, I used to care about you. I used to think you were worth the effort. But now? Now I see you for what you really are — a hollow shell, desperate for attention, doing whatever it takes to keep people focused on you.

I’m done. You can keep living your fake life, pretending to be this perfect, untouchable person and being obsessed with your fake image. But one day, it’ll all fall apart. And when it does, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Featured image via Paul Malerba on Pexels


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