Home Latest Why You Can Never Say Thank You Enough To Your Mom

Why You Can Never Say Thank You Enough To Your Mom

As Mother’s Day is approaching, we remind ourselves of the women that brought us into this beautiful, sometimes scary, world. We think of the women who held our hands, helped us deal with our first heartbreak, and watched us grow into the people we are today. As we get older, the relationship with our mothers change. We realize she is so much more than “mom.” She’s funny, beautiful, silly, smart, and there is not one Hallmark card that will ever be able to put into words how much you truly adore her.

“Thank you” is without a doubt the most underused phrase when it comes to moms. Whether it’s the woman who gave you life, or the one who has treated you as her own, this one is for all of you:

Thank you for loving me from the moment I was born, and every second since then, even when I wasn’t the easiest to love. Thank you for always picking me up (and I’ve fallen A LOT), literally and figuratively. Thank you for driving me to countless recitals, softball practices, and Friday nights with friends. Thank you for being over protective. Thank you for always putting me first, after you didn’t get a second to yourself that day.

Thank you for not getting mad when I forget to call. Thank you for knowing something was wrong before I had to say it. Thank you for giving me siblings that I may want to kill at times, but would kill for any day. Thank you for showing me that everything starts and ends with family.

Thank you for teaching me to always go after what I want. Thank you for never making my dreams seem out of reach. Thank you for continuing to be there through every surprise life has unfolded thus far; the ones I welcomed with open arms and the ones I wish never occurred. Thank you for letting me see the beauty in every situation.

Thank you for reminding me to never forget where I came from, and that there really is no place like home. Thank you for being Santa Clause, the tooth fairy, and the Easter bunny. Thank you for being my therapist and personal assistant. Thank you for celebrating every success and minimizing every single failure. Thank you for never letting a day go by where I felt unloved. Thank you for becoming the best friend I always had, but never knew I needed so much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thanks a million times for a million things, and for everything.

Featured image via Elly Fairytale on Pexels


  1. My mom is my rock, and I never tell her enough. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for our generation to appreciate what our parents do. My mom is the first person I call when something good or bad happens, and I can always rely on her. But, I’m extremely guilty of taking advantage of her and not giving her the things she deserves. For that I’m really sorry, and hope not only me, but we can all dedicate a bit more love to our mother’s every day! Happy Mother’s Day mom! I love you to bits 🙂


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