‘Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing’: How To Live Your Life To The Fullest


Helen Keller has a quote that states, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” As with many quotes, those reading can interpret their spin on it. And for me, I think the meaning is pretty straightforward.

Let’s dig deeper into five ways you can live this quote out in your life. 

1. Go where you’ve always wanted to explore.

Is there a place that’s been on your bucket list, but you keep pushing it off? Has the idea of the cost, the complexity, or not having someone to go with deterred you? The reality is that money is replaceable. What isn’t replaceable is your time or the memories and experiences you will create if you don’t go. 

2. Say what’s on your heart.

Do you have something you’ve wanted to tell someone for a long time? Is there someone in your life who doesn’t truly know how much they mean to you? Are you developing feelings for someone and they are unaware? It almost always makes you feel better if you tell them versus keeping it bottled up inside.

3. Do the thing.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to try but didn’t because of fear? Is there a hobby you want to try? Have you always wondered what it would be like to get on stage during an open mic? Whether it’s to perform poetry or try stand-up, even if you’re uncomfortable, it’ll be over in just a few short minutes.

4. Dare to be bold.

Do you like coloring your hair in bright, crazy colors? Do you have a lot of tattoos you often cover up? Or do you fear playing the music you truly love around those who don’t know you fully? Life is too short to act in fear of what others think. Show your true colors unapologetically.

5. Make time for connection.

Many cool things can pass you by when you stare at your phone or mindlessly watch T.V. When you become more observant, you’ll naturally notice the natural beauty of things and small inspirations from humanity. I think of when people in the US could briefly see the Northern Lights, and I didn’t know until after the fact. While I hated missing it,I was so happy for those who got to witness the phenomenon. 

And this can apply to human connection. Do you have a friend you haven’t spoken to in a long time and miss? Write them a card!  Do you have any recipes a loved one makes that you never got to write down? Call them and ask for it. Better yet, if they’re close enough, arrange a time to make it together. 

Remember: live in the small moments. They may become the boldest.

How do you dare to live adventurously? Let us know in the comments below!

Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash



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