Stop Thinking About What Could Go Wrong

There’s something between us that I’ve never felt with anyone else. When we’re together, it’s like we become the same person, as if the world disappears, and everything feels right. It’s a connection unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and I know you feel it, too. But maybe we’re both scared to share how we feel because we don’t want to risk losing each other. What if something goes wrong?

I don’t want to live in fear of “what ifs.” If we don’t try being together, we’ll never know how incredible our partnership could be. Yes, there’s a chance that our relationship might not go perfectly. But I also know that we could soar if we both take a chance on each other. We could be something bigger than just the here and now.

I can picture us building a life together.

I can see us marrying, facing the ups and downs of life by each other’s sides. We could even have kids, create a home full of joy, and build a love that grows stronger every day. We could share both laughter and struggle. Our relationship wouldn’t always be easy, but we’d have each other, and knowing that we could love each other through anything would make the challenges worthwhile.

I know what we have is real, and I can’t help but feel that it could become extraordinary if we both invest in it. We’ve built a strong foundation, but I believe there’s so much more waiting for us if we just let it happen. We don’t have to fear the unknown —we can embrace it instead. 

We’ve spent so much time dancing around the possibility of being a couple. But I’m ready to say how I truly feel because never knowing what could happen between us scares me more than seeing us go wrong. I don’t want to look back one day and wonder what might’ve been. I want to build a future with you full of shared experiences, challenges, and triumphs. I believe we can have that future if we both try.

We both know that relationships aren’t perfect.

But that’s life — we all have highs and lows, good days and hard ones. I’m ready to take on all of it with you. Even the hard days would feel worthwhile because we’d know we’d built something real.

I don’t know where our relationship might lead, but I know that if we each take a chance, we’ll be glad that we did. I see us building a strong connection that could stand the test of time. We’ve come so far already, and if we keep moving forward together, I know we can create a future brighter than we ever dreamed.

So what if we let go of the fears? What if we stop wondering what could go wrong and instead focus on what could go right? I see so much potential for happiness with you. We have the opportunity to turn our friendship into a beautiful love story, and I’m ready to take that chance if you are.

Featured image via Jonathan Borba on Unsplash



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