I have a big heart and the ability to take your worst day and make it your best. I have a lot of love for anyone who wants it and I like to bring out the best in people. I’ll do my best to never hurt you because I know that feeling all too well. I will do my best to keep you happy, even at the expense of my own. I will never regret knowing you and I will never do anything to jeopardize my relationship with you. People tell me I’m “too nice”, but the truth is I don’t want anyone to feel the way I do: flawed, unworthy, and not good enough. The truth is I’m doing my very best.
I hurt easier than most people. Which means I hurt more than most people. I’m sensitive about anything and everything. It takes me a long time to move on from something someone says to me or about me. When people do terrible things to me it hurts, and sometimes scars, but very rarely do I try to get even. Your unkind words could ruin my day and you would never know it because I won’t say one back. I will overthink everything you say and do and try to figure out what it means and where it came from.
I won’t pick fights with you. People fight and argue, sure. But I don’t initiate fights too often. I feel more pain from it than anger. It doesn’t matter if it is my fault or not, at the end of the day I will apologize until you forgive me. Because there is no worse feeling than someone being mad at me, regardless of what the reason is. At the end of the day, I will settle all of our problems by showing you kindness and grace. It may sound strange now, but I promise it works every time.
I see the world is generally a good place. Even in the midst of evil and suffering, I can usually find a positive, uplifting message in the situation. I’m a diamond in the rough kind of girl and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The way I see the world will change the way you see it. My hope is to help you see the good in everyone and everything because in the long run, it will make you a happier person. I’ll show you the good and how to change the way you think of the bad. My goal is to teach you how to make the best out of the worst. I’m pretty good at it considering I do it every day.
I always see the good in other people (I try to anyway). Most people have at least one good quality that stands out even in all the bad. When I first meet someone my biggest goal is to find their best quality and make sure they know what it is. I help them see their purpose and their accomplishments. And that is what I will do with you. Every day I will make sure you know how special and loved you are because that is my job.
Though I see the best in others, I don’t always see it in myself. I have many insecurities and sometimes I need someone to lift me back up. It doesn’t always happen and I have had to learn to deal with that. But it doesn’t change the way I see others, and it won’t change the way I see you. Even if you can’t help me all the time in the way that I need you to I will always be there for you. Because that is what you need. At the end of the day, I will give you my heart and hope you take full care of it. I hope you protect my heart and keep it safe. But if you break it, it will be okay because it won’t be the first time.
Being with the girl who is “too nice” has its advantages and disadvantages. But at the end of the day, I’m always here no matter what. I’ll show you the world and let you be mine. I will trust you with my heart and hopefully change your life in a good way. I thrive on my sensitivity and I use my insecurities to my advantage. I hope you protect my heart and make me feel loved and secure.
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