8 Victorian-Era Phrases That We Need To Bring Back In 2018

Some phrases and expressions are timeless, others… not so much. The most old-fashioned phrases are ones that made perfect sense in the context of the era in which they were used. I recently stumbled upon a list of old expressions from the Victorian Era that I believe we should integrate into everyday life. Some of these expressions are absurd, while others could be more practical if we give them a modern definition.

Bags O’ Mystery

Victorian Meaning: Sausages. Only the butcher knows what’s in them, hence… bags o’mystery.

What it should mean: That moment you take the wrong suitcase off the baggage claim.

Bitch The Pot

Victorian Meaning: Pour the tea

What it should mean: When you’ve got a lot of drama to talk about or when you’re over someone’s bullshit.

Church Bell

Victorian Meaning: A chatty woman

What it should mean: Girl code for “nip slip” or for when the fly of your pants is down.


Victorian Meaning: Close friend

What it should mean: A way to refer to your “friends with benefits” situation.

Got the Morbs

Victorian Meaning: Ongoing state of melancholy

What it should mean: That period of grieving after someone dies.


Victorian Meaning: Getting rowdy in the streets

What it should mean: When you hit all the long traffic lights when you’re in a rush.

Mutton Shunter

Victorian Meaning: Policeman

What it should mean: A proctologist who works for the black market or another name for a new-age colonoscopy.

Not Up To Dick

Victorian Meaning: Not well

What should it mean: Code for “The sex wasn’t good.”

Hopefully, we can find new, exciting ways to incorporate these fun phrases where they belong… in our everyday vocabulary.

Featured image via Yunming Wang on Unsplash


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